If you…

  • believe that customer experience (CX) is something that you need to focus more on
  • feel your organization could be more aligned on the importance of CX?
  • would love to define what an ideal customer experience looks like for your organization
  • need to better define the cost-benefit of CX initiatives
  • or simply need to figure out what you need to focus on first, second, and third to get ahead with your CX focus.

TMG is here to help

Founded in 1998, TMG International Inc. is a consulting firm focused on customer experience, strategy development, and change management.

We’re not like most other strategic consulting firms. Our customer experience consultants are proficient in the development and execution of customer-focused strategic business plans, marketing plans, sales channel plans and overall brand strategy.

“Customer Experience lets you see the world differently - traditional thinking through relevant insight.”

John Bardawill
Managing Director

What We Do

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In the News & Articles

The secret to Millennial Marketing

The lessons marketers are learning from the Fyre Festival fail

How can car dealerships provide great customer experience when selling cars